Letters from South Tacoma

Stretching the time continuum, one post at a time…

Welcome to my new blog! One of the reasons I’ve wanted to start this blog is that between work and other activities, I miss communicating with the people who are most important to me and our family (you)!

Is it possible you’re experiencing something similar? The same kind of time limitations? I look at my schedule each week and it is full. I also look at the time I spend with people during the week, and wish there were more hours in a day, more days in a week and more weeks in a month…just to hang out.  So far I’ve been unsuccessful at stretching the time continuum, so—I’ve settled on a blog to help bridge that gap.

I love road trips; traveling and seeing new places.  Think of this blog as an extended road trip that we’re on together!  My hope is to share things I’m learning along the way to help you in your family-life, work-life, your faith—both personally and professionally.  My personal vision is to be a relevant source of hope.  Every thing I write about, think about and move toward, flows from that. I hope this blog will be that for you: a source of relevant hope.

Looking forward to hanging out with you in the days to come.