The Promise That Brings Peace

…wherever you go.

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” —Deuteronomy 31:8

Wherever you are, whatever you do, your Heavenly Father is with you.

This is His promise.

When you belong to Him, you will never be alone in this world—regardless of where you go. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you.


He sees what is happening in your life today and He sees what is coming tomorrow. He sees it all.

So, there is no reason for fear. No reason for discouragement. Trust him for what you can’t see and live righteously.

You belong to Him.

And why not join us this Sunday to worship Him at CenterPoint! You can join us onsite in Tacoma at CenterPoint 10AM this Sunday, or online on our FB page. Either way, I look forward to seeing you then.

Love you,
Pastor Bill

Bill Herried is a pastor at CenterPoint Church in Tacoma, Washington and is married to the most extraordinary woman on the planet. Together they have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren. He has been the lead pastor at CenterPoint Christian Fellowship in Tacoma since 2006.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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