
You weren’t made to worry, but you were made to worship.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. —Matthew 6:33

Our minds are incredible.

Every day your mind makes thousands of decisions, and helps you sort out solutions to everyday issues.

But there are some issues that aren’t so easily solved—many of the things we deal with are out of our control. What happens then?

We worry.

We all know the feeling of fixating on something that is out of our control. The “What ifs” of life. “What if we run out of money?” “What if the supply chain collapses?” “What if we move into a recession?” “What if my cancer screening comes back positive?”

“What if?”

The possibilities for worry are endless. In fact, worry will wear you down and wear you out. You weren’t created to be in control of it all.

Researchers tells us that about 80% of the things we worry about never happen.

Researchers tells us that about 80% of the things we worry about never happen. That is a lot of worry. And when we do worry, it’s usually over things like our finances, our food, our future and our stuff.

Jesus didn’t deny these were necessary, but he assured his followers that these are not worth obsessing over. He re-directed his disciples’ focus on worry to the source of life; to focus on our Heavenly Father’s priorities.

Rather than focusing on today’s personal or political drama, seek His Kingdom. Rather than trying to figure out all of the “What ifs” of life, follow Christ.

You weren’t created to worry; but you were created to worship. Focus on worship.

You weren’t created to worry; but you were created to worship.

So today, take this opportunity to worship. You were made for it.

Seek God’s priorities. Let go of every unsolvable distraction and focus on Christ. He is your solution. Place all of your “What ifs” in his hands.

It is in his presence that our deepest desires are satisfied and our needs are fulfilled.

Today, let go of your worry and seek him first.

Image by Hong Manh from Pixabay

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